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Can You Hit Overhand In Pickleball: 5 Tips And Tricks You Need To Know!

Can You Hit Overhand In Pickleball: 5 Tips And Tricks You Need To Know!

October 21, 2021

Pickleball is a sport that people of all ages enjoy. As the name suggests, it combines elements from both tennis and ping pong.

A game of Pickleball can be played either one-on-one or in teams of two players each. The sport usually takes place on a court with four walls.

The overhand in Pickleball is a critical shot to master. It is one of the most effective shots in the game and can lead to many points if struck well.

The key to effectively hitting an overhand is preparation and practice, discussed in this article.

Can You Hit Overhand In Pickleball?

Yes, but it is hard to do so, as it requires finesse and expertise.

You might wonder why this is so, but if you look at some of the younger children playing the sport, who have been playing for years already, they are still hitting underhand even though they should be able to do overhand by now.

How To Hit An Overhand Serve

For the uninitiated, Pickleball is a paddle sport played on a badminton-sized court. It’s a cross between tennis and ping pong that anyone can play, regardless of age or athletic ability.

The rules are simple enough to understand in just a few minutes, and there is no need for any special equipment.

One of the keys to having a great game in Pickleball is to be able to hit overhand. An excellent overhand shot can get you more points than a perfect side volley.

There are many ways to hit an overhand shot in Pickleball, but a smooth, fast swing that produces excellent power and spin is the best way. That means players must have good footwork, balance, and stamina to avoid fatigue while playing.

If you are having trouble hitting overhand, the following tricks and tips might be what the doctor ordered:

1. The Paddle Is The Most Important Piece Of Equipment

The paddle is your connection to the ball as it allows for better control. When choosing a new paddle, players should consider factors such as size, shape, weight, and material.

Paddle selection may be based on your playing style or hand size. On the other hand, paddle length depends on your height and reach, not gender.

A lighter paddle may increase swing speed but at the cost of control. Look for a weight that feels right to you, as long as it is within the legal limit.

If you have never played with a paddle before, try a few different paddles until you find one that fits you best.

Beginners should choose a light paddle (7-8 oz.) that is easy to swing and control because you will need to develop your forehand and backhand skills before moving on to more advanced paddles.

2. Your Grip Is Key To Hitting Overhand In Pickleball

Many people think that paddling pickleball is the same as playing tennis, but it isn’t. Pickleball paddle grips are different from those used in other sports. The big difference lies in the positioning of your thumb on the back of the paddle.

While tennis players use their thumbs to help grip and steer a heavy racquet, pickleball players have to grip a lightweight paddle with just their fingers for maximum control.

The overhand serve in Pickleball demands greater control than that offered by a tennis racquet.

The grip on an overhand serve in Pickleball is pretty simple. I’m sure you’ve seen players gripping the paddle very tightly with their thumb, pointer finger, and middle finger holding onto the paddle while their other fingers curl around it. It is the best way to get a solid grip on your paddle for this shot.

When placing your hand on top of the handle, make sure that there are no spaces between your hand’s skin and the handle. The more skin-to-paddle contact you have, the better control you will have.

3. You Need To Know How To Swing Your Arm

The standard way to serve in Pickleball is with an underhand serve. However, some players, such as those who played tennis previously, prefer the more familiar overhand serve.

A properly executed overhand pickleball serve not only allows you to surprise your opponent but can also provide a better angle of attack for your shot.

After you toss the Pickleball up, step forward with your right foot and swing your arm in a vertical arc.

After leaving your hand, the ball should go overhand and land on the playing surface without touching anything.

To create this effect, you must exude great force when you throw the ball. You want to use enough power to clear any obstacles that might be in its path.

However, you don’t want to exert so much force that it will fly out of play or cause injury to anyone standing nearby.

4. Your Stance Will Be Different When Hitting Overhand In Pickleball

Hitting overhand in Pickleball helps to have a different stance than what you’d usually use when playing tennis. The key is to move around quickly and get your bodyweight back behind the ball.

If you’re too far forward with no weight on your front foot, then you won’t be able to hit hard or fast enough because there isn’t any counterbalance between your weight and your swing speed.

5. You’ll Need To Adjust Your Footwork For This Stroke Too!

When hitting overhand in Pickleball, players must adjust their footwork to the speed and angle of the shot. Such is applicable for players of all skill levels, but especially for beginners.

The first step to improving your footwork in Pickleball is understanding what proper footwork should look like.

Great footwork isn’t about moving as fast as possible from point A to point B; it’s about being able to adjust and move quickly into the best position for a given situation.

Beginners struggle with executing an overhand shot because they don’t know how to use proper footwork to support their swing.

They make many mistakes when trying to hit an overhead shot, like hitting off-balance, stepping too far forward or back, and not having enough power behind the ball.

When Should You Use Overhand Instead Of Underhand?

The significant difference between overhand and underhand is the distance of the ball from you.

If you are trying to hit into a court with an obstacle or want more control for placement or direction, use the overhand serve. If you are playing in an open space, then use the underhand serve.

The game of Pickleball is played almost exclusively with an overhand serve. It is the only type of serve allowed in league play, and for a good reason. There are many benefits to using an overhand serve that make it worth learning how to do.

For one, serving with your dominant hand gives you a huge advantage. If you’re right-handed, the rules say you have to use your left hand for serves, but if you feel more comfortable using your right hand, then it’s not against the rules to do so. 

The overhand serve is the most basic way to start a game in Pickleball. It’s also the best way to get your opponent angry. 

The main objective of Pickleball is to hit the ball to go over the net and land properly on the opponent’s side of the court. 

A player wins a point if one of their balls returns over the net, landing within their half of the court without first touching their court. If they fail to do this, then their opponent wins.

It would be best if you used overhand instead of underhand when;

  • During the crosscourt return
  • When serving to the left side of the court
  • Returning a service that has been caught out-of-bounds

What Are The Best Serves For Beginners? 

The best service for beginners in Pickleball is easy to learn and doesn’t use too much body movement or power.

The easier serves are backhands that start at your hip or shoulder height, then curve upward towards the front of the body.

It’s not the most rigid serve in the game, but it requires a little more precision than other serves. You need to hit the ball with your arm and wrist at just the right angle.

While some people learn to serve as their first pickleball move, others start with the basics of the backhand. Both types of serves use a different technique and hand position than other shots in the game.


Pickleball is a fun and exciting sport that you can enjoy with family and friends. Whether this is your first time playing or you’re a seasoned veteran, there are always new tips and tricks to learn.

This article provided our five favorite pickleball tips and tricks that can help you start hitting overhand shots in Pickleball in no time!

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